Friday, February 22, 2013

Our Trip to the Zoo

 The purpose of this Blog is to serve as a course exercise in Blog development.

Our Trip to the Zoo

Hi class!
As you remember our third grade class visited the zoo last week.  Below you need to post a description of one thing you did while at the zoo.   In this post you are to describe your favorite animal using adjectives and complete sentences.  You also need to include one interesting fact you learned about that animal.  Enjoy describing our trip to the zoo!


Imagine you are a third grader who must describe one thing they did at the zoo.  Depict an animal using a variety of adjectives in complete sentences and include an interesting fact about that animal.  You may include a picture that you “took”.


  1. At the zoo, we went to a small petting zoo. While there, I was able to pet and feed a llama. It tried to get a hold of my jacket, but I didn't let it. Did you know that the word llama is spelled l's? I didn't know that until now. The llama had wool fur that was matted and reminded me of cotton balls. It's fur was white, even though it was kind of dirty. the llama had long eyelashes and had a funny face, which is why it was my favorite. They are very unique because of their shape, look, and name.

    1. I love the way you used adjectives to describe the llama’s coat. Comparing the coat to cotton balls was very imaginative! The spelling of the word “llama” can be tricky but I am glad you figured it out!

  2. Last week our class took a field trip to the zoo. My favorite part of the field trip was the sea lion show. Sea lions are very fast and glide through the water. Their skin looks like rubber. The zoo keeper told us on average they live about 20-30 years. On their face they have long whiskers, which look ticklish and like an old grandpa. I cannot wait to go back and visit the sea lions.

  3. Our trip to the zoo was really fun. My favorite part of the trip was seeing the lions. Lions are known as the King of the Jungle. Lions have large heads covered with hair called mane. Lions can be found in Africa, Asia, and in zoos all over the world. We learned that a lion usually lives about 13 years. A lion's roar can be heard a mile away. I think lions's are the coolest animals at the zoo.

    1. I think you did a great job using your adjectives describing the mane of the lion. You painted a clear picture of how big and fluffy the mane can be. Remember to describe the color too! It is hard to believe that a lion’s roar can be heard from such a long distance away! Great job!

  4. Mrs. Jenkins took us to the zoo last week. Their were lots of different kinds of animals there. They were tall, short, brown, white, black, and colorful. My most favorite animal was the really pretty toucan. It made a funny squawking noise. Its name was Sam. He was blue with red, green, and yellow soft tail feathers. The zookeeper held hm on a big glove that she wore over her hand. Sam's feathers were so soft and wispy. I've never touched a bird before but it felt just like I had imagined. He also had a really big beak, I'll bet he could really protect himself if he had to! I think that the toucan is the most awesome animal in the zoo :)

  5. I had a really great time at the zoo this week. There were so many different animals but my favorite were definitely the elephants. The elephants were so big and they had giant ears and a long trunk. The elephants used their trunks to pick up yummy food and other items, they even splashed each other with water from their trunks! An interesting fact about elephants is that they can live to be 60-70 years old, I was very surprised to learn that. The elephant is also the largest living land mammal.

    1. My favorite animal at zoo was the elephants too! I think you did a great job using your adjectives describing the elephant. I could also visualize the elephant using his trunk to bath himself and pick up food. It is hard to believe that elephants can live as long as humans!

  6. Ms. Jenkins took our entire class to the Zoo last week. I had a great time. The giraffes were my favorite! They have very long necks and are brown and white. They also slobber a lot. One interesting fact I learned abour giraffes is that they are the tallest living animal and their tongue can get up to 18 inches long.

  7. When my class went to the zoo, I saw a lot of interesting animals. My favorite was the brown bear! It was huge! When brown bears stand on their back legs they can be 7 feet tall. That is even taller than my dad! They have fuzzy brown hair and big sharp teeth. One interesting thing that I learned about brown bears is that in the wild they can eat 90 pounds of fat in one day! They do this to get ready to hibernate. They eat plants, fish, and smaller animals too.
